When and where are the gatherings?

Meetings are held quarterly in different parts of North America. The next meetings to be held are: 

  1. Mexico (October 16th-18th)
  2. Las Vegas (January 16th-17th)
  3. April 16th and 17th (Location to be determined)

Intensives are ALL in our Las Vegas Learning Center between member gatherings.

When will I know if I'm Approved?

Each applicant will be vetted by our new member committee and contacted for a brief phone interview with a founder before approval. The process usually takes less than a week. 

My business is not digital, can I still get in and should I apply?

100%! Driven is about growing BUSINESSES. Period.

We encourage brick-and-mortar businesses and services from funeral directors to fireworks retailers (both real-world examples to apply). These businesses often get the GREATEST benefit of membership as their competition is typically way behind the curve.
